2university of georgia - department of public administration and policy
3indiana university--bloomington - school of public & environmental affairs
4harvard university (kennedy) - jfk school of government
5university of kansas - school of public affairs and administration
6university of southern california (price) - usc sol price school of public policy
7rutgers, the state university of new jersey--newark - school of public affairs and administration
8american university - school of public affairs
9new york university (wagner) - robert f. wagner graduate school of public service
10george washington university (trachtenberg) - columbian college of arts & sciences
11university of washington (evans) - evans school of public affairs
12ohio state university (glenn) - john glenn school of public affairs
13university of arizona - school of government & public policy
14university at albany--suny (rockefeller) - rockefeller college of public affairs and policy
14university of texas--austin (lbj) - lyndon b. johnson school of public affairs
14university of wisconsin--madison (la follette) - robert m. lafollette school of public affairs
17virginia tech - center for public administration & policy
18florida state university (askew) - reubin o'd. askew school of public administration & policy
19arizona state university - school of public affairs
19texas a&m university--college station (bush) - bush school of government and public service
21university of maryland--college park - school of public policy
21university of minnesota--twin cities (humphrey) - humphrey school of public affairs
21university of nebraska--omaha - school of public administration
24university of colorado--denver - school of public affairs
25university of north carolina--chapel hill - school of government
26georgia state university (young) - andrew young school of policy studies
26university of delaware - school of public policy administration
28university of missouri (truman) - harry s. truman school of public affairs
29university of california--berkeley (goldman) - goldman school of public policy
29university of pennsylvania (fels) - fels institute of government